I’m a journalist and author and some of you may have heard about my most recent book, Raven: My Year of Dating Dangerously. It tells the story of my online dating experiences as an, ahem, older woman. After that crazy year I know better than most people how maddening – as well as dodgy – is the world of internet dating. So when my good friend Vivien told me she was starting up a classy introduction agency, at which she ‘hand-picks’ potential partners for you, doing all the vetting and screening herself, I thought what a wonderful idea it was. Now I can sit back, relax and see who she comes up with for me. Easy! So much better than going on endless dates with duds. You can find the book on Amazon and Google Books: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Raven-My-Year-Dating-Dangerously/dp/1784081515 https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=o-FCAwAAQBAJ MONICA PORTER www.monicaporter.co.uk...
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